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10-02-2015 08:25
Hello, my name is Carol and I was recently at one of your 'colour me beautiful ' sessions at The Christie. Firstly I liked to say thankyou for the session it was very informative ,secondly I've blitzed my wardrobe and drawers, funnily enough I do actually have some clothes in the colours recommended by yourself. I've also dug out an old dress which I've teamed up with a cardigan that I didn't wear that much, never really would of put them together and I've had loads of great comments, so win yeah.
So once again thankyou, I also purchased the book which continues to be a great reference.
09-02-2015 19:57
Hello, my name is Carol and I was recently at one of your 'colour me beautiful ' sessions at The Christie. Firstly I liked to say thankyou for the session it was very informative ,secondly I've blitzed my wardrobe and drawers, funnily enough I do actually have some clothes in the colours recommended by yourself. I've also dug out an old dress which I've teamed up with a cardigan that I didn't wear that much, never really would of put them together and I've had loads of great comments, so win yeah.
So once again thankyou, I also purchased the book which continues to be a great reference.

21-04-2014 09:01
Rachel ( Derby )

Hello Cath,

Thank you so much for my colour consultation. I have already been shopping with my colour wallet. Thankyou for opening my eyes to a whole new world!

15-03-2014 08:37
Carole cjtops <at> tiscali <dot> co <dot> uk

Dear Catherine,

We were delighted to welcome you last night and thank you so much for your fascinating talk and demonstration guiding us into the world of colour and fashion. I am sure that like me, most of us just like certain colours and continually buy them, but now we know that there is more to it than that!

I do hope that you enjoyed your visit.

Many thanks


Ladies Fellowship, Poynton Methodist church

11-12-2013 19:47
Just to say thank you for the encouragement and inspiration you've given me in the past few months. Sorting out my wardrobe has been key in my ongoing weight loss and fitness efforts and my confidence and self esteem have really been boosted. It has also been great fun! Many thanks.
11-10-2013 18:20
Caroline Boyd
I had had my colours done by a consultant when I was in my early twenties, but at the time I didn’t really feel I put the information to good use. By my mid thirties I had a different hair colour and more of an idea of wanting to develop a new style so booked in for a consultation with Cathy Jones.
I was so pleasantly surprised by just how much I learned. I found out lots about the kind of style I was for myself, and what I want my image to say about me, as well as learning more about the colours that are most flattering for me. I knew it’d be a big change to move from wearing lots of black to all the bright and bold colours which were identified as suiting me, so we also focused on how to introduce the colours gradually and in small ways at first, such as with accessories.
Overall, I felt the consultation spurred me on to give my image an overhaul and to work towards a look more in line with what I wanted, rather than being stuck in an old familiar boring rut!

11-10-2013 17:00
After my breast surgery Cath treated me to a colour session. She is a very professional lady, puts you at your ease and is an excellent communicator. She immediately identified my 'best colours' .... and my worst .... pale grey, which I am always attracted to but now know I cannot wear .... quite right too! I was so impressed with her that I asked her to do a make-up for my friend's special birthday several months later, and she made her look fabulous! The merchandise was inexpensive and good quality (I ended up buying some make-up too)My friend was very pleased with the result, as was her husband. I would recommend this lady any time

I was at the Colour me Beautiful workshop at The Christie yesterday. I just wanted to say a massive thank you again. I really needed a pick me up and I left the class feeling educated and with much more confidence. I'm flicking through the Kettlewell magazine sat out in the sunshine and feeling good about myself for the first time in ages I think it's so lovely that you give your time for cancer patients.

Natalie x